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Extra content for the Logic Munchers Terminal Challenge

All the Hints

At each difficulty level the game will provide you with some techniques for solving the logic equations. This table lists all the hints in one easy to read location.

Difficulty Hint
Beginner - Boolean Eat only "True" and "not False" challenges - or like "0=0".
Intermediate - Boolean If A and B are both true, then "A and B" is true. If either is true, then "A or B" is true.
Advanced - Boolean Don't get thrown off; "not True" is the same as "False," and vice versa.
Expert - Boolean Try reducing the contents of parenthesis to "True" or "False," then solve the simplified statement.
Beginner - Arithmetic The "!=" operator means "is not equal to."
Intermediate - Arithmetic Don't get thrown off by negative results
Advanced - Arithmetic The "%" or "modulo" operator asks the remainder when numbers are divided.
Expert - Arithmetic If you see the "**" operator, it means "to the power of."
Beginner / Intermediate - Number Conversions 0b0001 in binary is 1 in decimal, 0b0010 is 2, 0b0011 is 3, 0b0100 is 4...
Advanced / Expert - Number Conversions 0x09 in hexadecimal is 9 in decimal, 0x0A is 10, 0x0F is 15, 0x10 is 16...
Beginner - Bitwise The "bit shift" operators slide bits left or right with a fresh "0."
Intermediate - Bitwise A bitwise AND(&) is like a logical "And" where 1 = true and 0 = false. OR(
Advanced / Expert - Bitwise A bitwise XOR(^ or ⊕) returns 1 only when exactly one of the input bits is 1.